Introducing the Double A Deckover Original Series, a gripping saga that delves into the intricate world of corporate espionage and personal vendettas. Set against the backdrop of a futuristic metropolis, this series follows the enigmatic protagonist as he navigates through the cutthroat corridors of power, uncovering dark secrets and confronting formidable adversaries at every turn.
Tandem Single Wheel Deckover Light Duty
The Tandem Single Wheel Deckover Light Duty is engineered for those who require a reliable and versatile trailer for transporting heavy loads. With its elevated deck design, the HB-78 offers increased ground clearance, making it ideal for hauling construction materials, equipment, or other oversized items. Its robust frame and durable construction ensure stability and longevity, even under challenging conditions.
Tandem Single Wheel Deckover
Tandem Single Wheel Deckover Tilt
Triple Single Wheel Deckover
The Triple Single Wheel Deckover is designed for those who require maximum hauling capacity combined with durability and versatility. Featuring an extended deck, this trailer is ideal for transporting large, heavy equipment and materials. Its elevated design provides excellent ground clearance, making it suitable for uneven terrains
Tandem Dual Wheel Deckover
Triple Dual Wheel Deckover
The Triple Dual Wheel Deckover is a top-tier solution for transporting heavy and oversized loads. Featuring an expansive deck and elevated design, this trailer is ideal for navigating rough terrains while carrying bulky cargo. Built with a reinforced frame and heavy-duty axles, it provides unmatched durability and stability, even under the most demanding conditions.